If you or your client has a life insurance policy that is no longer needed—or if premiums have become cumbersome—you may be looking at a lapse or surrender of the policy. However, you can get more money for that policy by selling it as a life settlement.
Unlike certain transactions, where going direct might make some sense, it is just the opposite for a life settlement. Life settlement providers—which represent the buyers of policies—have a mission and fiduciary duty to buy policies as cheaply as possible. When you take a policy directly to the provider, you eliminate the competition and allow for the lowest possible offer. Conversely, a broker can take your policy to a much wider market of potential buyers, some of whom will only transact business through a brokerage. This will bring in the most competitive offers for any policy.
For many policyowners, education is the key to making decisions that will maximize their assets and provide for their financial goals. To learn more about life settlements and how to offer this valuable option to your clients, visit genesislifesettlements.com or email us directly to talk one-on-one with a Genesis advisor.