Before the emergence of the life settlement market, policyholders were very limited in what they could do with their policies should they become unaffordable or simply unnecessary. There were initially only three options; to sell the policy back to the broker for a small percentage of the original cost, to keep the undesired policy, or to let the policy lapse. With life settlements, a fourth option to sell the policy at market value became available.
Did you know that 8 out of 10 people are not even aware they have the option to sell? Life settlements give policyholders the opportunity to earn money from policies that would have otherwise lapsed. In cases where the policy is simply no longer desired, a life settlement also allows the owner to sell it for money that could be used to pay off bills and simply provide for a more comfortable life in retirement. The cash earned from a sale has no specifications on how it can be spent.
For many policyowners, education is the key to making decisions that will maximize their assets and provide for their financial goals. To learn more about life settlements and how to offer this valuable option to your clients, visit genesislifesettlements.com or email us directly to talk one-on-one with a Genesis advisor.