Life insurance carriers such as AXA, Transamerica, ReliaStar, Voya America, Phoenix and Lincoln have already raised the cost of insurance (COI) on their Universal Life products, and more are on the way!
Unlock hidden value now, before an expected or unexpected COI increase hits, with a traditional or retained death benefit life insurance settlement. A traditional life settlement can eliminate rising premium obligations and award the insured with 4x-8x more than the cash surrender value. If your client wants to retain a certain amount of coverage without paying costly premiums, a retained death benefit option could be the answer.
For many policyowners, education is the key to making decisions that will maximize their assets and provide for their financial goals. To learn more about life settlements and how to offer this valuable option to your clients, visit genesislifesettlements.com or email us directly to talk one-on-one with a Genesis advisor.