As a financial professional, your clients count on you to ensure and protect their financial well-being as well as, their families and often their businesses. In your role as a highly regarded gatekeeper, your fiduciary responsibility is both ongoing and evolving. It means constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the global financial health of your senior clients, because in your field there are no absolutes.
One of the most common components of this global picture is the status of your clients’ life insurance. For example, the policy that was put into place years ago may have been ideal estate planning then, but as circumstances change, that policy may no longer be needed or adequate. You may have clients who are finding it increasingly difficult to pay premiums. Perhaps you’ll be asked to evaluate new life insurance options for a client who is underinsured.
While the scenarios are many, they share a common denominator: a true insurance professional must be fluent in life insurance settlements, both in the fundamentals and the options they represent. More importantly, insurance professionals must have a trusted life insurance broker to be called upon when the need arises.
The number of seniors turning to life insurance settlements is increasing at an unprecedented rate. When you realize that settlements provide seniors with a level of liquidity that will often far exceed the policy’s cash surrender value, that should come as no surprise.
More than simply having an awareness of the secondary market, you need to know that you have the complete support of a firm that will provide you with the tools and infrastructure necessary to continue providing your clients with exemplary service. As a nationally recognized life settlement broker, Genesis provides life settlement service to top-tier producers and general agents across the country.
As part of our turnkey philosophy we also provide customized marketing materials, innovative promotional items, E&O coverage and access to the most comprehensive and elite group of providers and financing entities available. Genesis enables producers to continue to do what they do best: produce.
FAQ’s for producers.
- Have I focused on life settlements lately?
- Have I received a grace notice on a client?
- Are my senior clients who have term policies aware of the life settlement option?
- Do I want to create exceptional revenue opportunities and create exceptional solutions for my clients at the same time?
- Do I want the same opportunities as other insurance professionals?
If you want to learn more, a conversation with Genesis should be your next step!